Sunset Horse Ride

Horse Riding in Agadir

Horse riding in Agadir Experience is a daily activity of two hours riding along the beach where you are going to discover the other side of the city on the back of the Horse, The appointment is open but the most recommended time is sunset to enjoy the ride and to take some beautiful pictures for the sunset, The appointment starts at the reception of your hotel , we will come to pick you up by our transport that is included and we will drop you off once you finish your activity.

enjoy the horse ride around the ranch and along the beach, where you will admire the amazing views.

Make a unique journey through Agadir’s Banana Beach on horseback.

Feel the sway of these gentle animals, accompanied by an experienced guide, as you venture through the Banana Beach.

Please if it is your first time riding a horse, please be careful with the speed.

Enjoy a nice sunset horse ride along the beach of the banana.

This activity has an open appointement, but sunset ride is the most recommended.

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